Our Goal is to Serve YOUR PLASTIC NEEDS!



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Plastics NJ - Plexiglass, Polycarbonate, Acrylic, Lexan, and Plastic Sheets including Plexiglass Sheets NJ, Plastic Glass NJ, Custom Plastic Fabrication NJ, Barriers NJ, Sneeze Guards NJ, Dividers NJ, Tabletops NJ, Boat Windshields NJ, Display Case NJ, Windows NJ, Machine Guards NJ, Welded Tanks NJ, Prototypes NJ, and Medical Devices NJ - Glasplex Plastics LLC
8 Estate Drive
Sussex, NJ 07461
United States

ph: 973-362-0219
fax: 1-973-789-8353
alt: 973-670-8956

Copyright 2004 Glasplex Plastics LLC. All rights reserved.

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John 3:16

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."

Plastics NJ - Plexiglass, Polycarbonate, Acrylic, Lexan, and Plastic Sheets including Plexiglass Sheets NJ, Plastic Glass NJ, Custom Plastic Fabrication NJ, Barriers NJ, Sneeze Guards NJ, Dividers NJ, Tabletops NJ, Boat Windshields NJ, Display Case NJ, Windows NJ, Machine Guards NJ, Welded Tanks NJ, Prototypes NJ, and Medical Devices NJ - Glasplex Plastics LLC
8 Estate Drive
Sussex, NJ 07461
United States

ph: 973-362-0219
fax: 1-973-789-8353
alt: 973-670-8956